Oxfords Junior Chef of 2025 coming soon!
It is arguable that the City of Oxford Guild of Chefs was re-founded in 1968 by a group of Head Chefs from the various colleges forming the collegiate institution known as Oxford
They were assisted by eminent catering professionals and educationalists whose passion for the culinary profession enthused many a person. The first documentation of the idea of forming a Chefs Guild in the 20th Century is a copy of a letter to potential sources of support for a course in advanced cookery to be offered by the Oxford College of Technology, (most likely to have been the City & Guilds of London Institute 152,) dated 25th August 1967.
In the letter the possibility of establishing a branch of the Guild of Chefs in Oxford is mooted and the objectives are briefly outlined. These were given as "The idea is to bring together the head chefs of the colleges and hotels with a view to holding meetings, conferences, demonstrations and visits that will help us in our everyday work and, by speaking with one voice, enhance the status of our position to that which it formerly was". As can be seen from the following the Aims and Objectives of the Guild are very much the same today as those expressed in the letter.
The aims of the Guild are to: -
1 Foster close professional relationships between all members of the Guild.
2 Establish and maintain liaisons with other bodies promoting the "Catering Industry".
3 Advance the standard of professional cookery in Oxford and the surrounding area.
The Objectives of the Guild are to achieve the aims by:
1 Organising exhibitions, demonstrations, discussions and visits of professional interest.
2 Organising meetings and functions so those members may gather in a fraternal context for social activities.
3 Promoting education and training for the culinary trades for all ages.
4 An exchange of ideas and information through formal and informal personal contact.
5 Aiding the career advancement of colleagues, associate and affiliated members and their junior staff by exchanges, counselling and advising of opportunities.
Earlier a reference was made to the re-founding of the Guild. This is because there is evidence that earlier Cooks or Chefs Guilds existed. This was brought to light at the inaugural dinner that was held in 1969. During the response to the toast of "The Guild" according to Mr: H. L. Cracknell's record of the event, given in the Oxford Magazine for Trinity term dated the first of May 1970, the reporter for the Oxford Mail Mr John Owen, indicated that his research for his speech, a book had shown had shown that there was a Guild in 1482. Mrs Elinor Bone made reference to the Chefs Guilds in her book
"Come to Oxford". Here it was indicated that indeed there was not one but two Chefs Guilds. One was composed as todays full membership is, of Chefs from the Colleges, and the other Guild's membership was from hostelries in Oxford at the time; a couple of which can still be seen today in name at least if not in the trade carried out, such as the Mitre and Golden Cross Inns With reference to the status, it was reported that at this time (1482) an Oxford Guild of Chefs was able to "celebrate Whitsuntide with its riding of the cooks through Eastgate to St.Peters in the East where a sermon was preached to its members". The equivalent today might be to allow Chefs to drive their cars to work through Oxford in the daytime! Todays Guild's membership is believed to be wider than the ancient Guild in that suppliers to the Chefs of food, materials and equipment can become "Affiliated" members. Many Affiliated members play important roles in the Guild.
remained in the possession of the Guild. Therefore it is assumed that it had more to do with an award, competed for as the "Best Apprentice" by C&G results or perhaps exhibit at the "Salon Culinaire" held in the Southern Gas showrooms in St.Aldates (now known as "Caterex"). Once again confirmation would be appreciated.
In the "Caterex" schedule of 1989 the bowl was awarded for the "Best Fish Exhibit". This raises the question "When was the term "Caterex" first used?
It is not known when a certain chair was made but, Monty George was a man of many talents one of which was woodwork, perhaps more of a cabinet maker than a carpenter. At sometime however he presented what is known as the "Master's" chair. A solid wood carved armchair with a high back. This has had a chequered career in that for long periods of time its location has been unknown, but has been refurbished in the year 2,000 and will be used at the dinner to be held in Worcester College in the year 2001. In the Above-mentioned schedule a Monty George cup is also noted — When was it donated does anybody know? This must have been the first year of the full "Caterex" competitions as a number of cups were donated for the year of 1971, such as the Southern Gas cup for the "Best Exhibit" and, the "D.C.L.Yeast Cup", presented by the United Yeast Co.Ltd. Reading, that was used for yeast or pastry based produce.
The following in many parts is a list of past "Masters" indicating where known, should any of the pieces of information be missing and be known to the reader it would be gratefully received by the writer via E-mail to the Guild's Web page or the Treasurer's home address: -
Where they were the Head Chef or other roles.
Where the dinners took place and where known who the Chef was and the supporting cast on the top table.
Who the Secretary and Treasurer were.
The price of the dinners and other functions.
The location — venue of meetings.
Other activities and themes of meetings, talks, demonstrations etc.
Dates and venue of Caterex.
Where the details are lacking the missing information would be appreciated.
In 1972 the 5th "Master" to hold office was Mr. Kenneth Hudson, Head Chef of Nuffield College. One can surmise that "Caterex" was becoming more established to the extent that another cup was donated by the City of Oxford Guild of Chefs "The Best Junior Exhibit", but where was "Caterex" held. Was it St Aldates Gas showrooms?
In 1973 the 6th "Master" was Mr. John Gardener, the Head Chef at Exeter College. Other medallions of Office were presented to incumbents in the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. As they are dated in the hallmark for 1973 it is assumed that they were presented for use either during the year or at the 1974 dinner. Who were the Officers?
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome — where was it held? How many days did it run? Who organised it? Who attended the prize giving?
In 1974 the 7th "Master" as previously stated was Mr. Martin Searle, who at that time was the Head Chef at St.Anne's College. The Menu programme gives the "Toasts" as "The Queen" quickly followed by "The Chef' proposed by the "Master". The handing over of the badge of office then took place, so the first toast would have been given by Mr. John Gardner the retiring "Master". The New "Master" Martin Searle gave the reply. The toast " The Guild" was proposed by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford Mr. H.J.Habakkuk. and the reply by Mr H. Cracknell Hon.Treasurer. Harry Cracknell also proposed the toast "The Visitors" and the Deputy Lord Mayor Mr. A.B.Connors gave the reply.
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome — where was it held? How many days did it run? Who organised it? Who attended the prize giving? How successful was it?
In 1981 Roy Sterry (? — 2000) was the 14th "Master". He was Senior Sous Chef for British Airways. Previously for a number of years he was Chef de Partie, Chef Tournant and then Sous Chef in the North Block kitchen of the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London. The Venue was the Clarendon Press Centre and it is likely that Peter Lyon was the Secretary and perhaps Martin Searle the Treasurer. If anyone can confirm these details of the Venue for the Dinner and who the Secretary and Treasurer were at the time, this information would be greatly appreciated.
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome
Mr.Philip Pearson was recalled to the Office of "Master" in 1982 to be the 15th holder of the office having been the "Master" in 1975. He was still the Head Chef of Keble College. Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome.
Mr Derek Cox was elected the 16th "Master" in 1983. He is the Head Chef of Pembroke College.
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome.
The 17th "Master" elected in 1984 was Mr. Christopher de Wit, who had a short term in office due to his moving to a new location. He was at the time a Lecturer at the College of Further Education.
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome.
The 18th holder of office elected was Roland Depit, the next "Master" in 1985. He was and still is the Head Chef at Oxford's largest College, Christchurch College. The dinner is believed to have been held at Christchurch. It is possible that the Treasurer was Martin Searle who by this time had moved from St. Anne's College and was now the Chef at 333, Banbury Road, Oxford, the Freemason's Hall and the Secretary was Peter Lyon unless otherwise advised.
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome.
Kurt Schultz was the next "Master" in1986 and 19th holder of the office. It is thought that Kurt was a Head Chef of one of the smaller college establishments but certainly was the Head Chef at the White Rabbit Restaurant, a very good and popular eatery in the Cowley Centre.
Information regarding "Caterex" would be most welcome. Was this the first of two years at the Oxford Polytechnic? Another Cup (14) is noted as having been donated at this time. The winners of the class are noted as Carl Brook from North Oxford College perhaps better known as Banbury College in 1977, to a Chris Clinkard in 1986.
In 1987 Roger Webster, (1932- 1988) who is believed to have been the Head Chef of New College, was the 20th elected the new "Master". The dinner was held at the College of Further Education. Confirmation would be appreciated. Can anyone confirm the dates for Roger Webster or is the date of demise premature!?
Caterex was held at the Oxford Polytechnic on two days of the week being Thursday, April the 9th 1987 from 10am to 6pm and Friday the 10th April 1987 from 10am to 5pm. The prizes were to be presented at 4pm by Mrs Olive Gibbs D.L.M.A. and the "Master" of the Guild. There were 5 Junior classes up to the age of 18 and 2 classes for CSE (Certificate of Secondary Education) students up to the age of 17. 6 classes in the Senior Apprentices class for those under 20 years of age. The Senior open Class had 8 classes i.e. 21 classes in all. In association with the Guild the Sugar Craft Guild Isis branch also exhibited in 5 classes.
The Secretary to "Caterex" was Derek S. Cox, Head Chef at Pembroke College, Oxford.
The 23'd Master was Steven Davies elected in1990 and was Head Chef at Trinity College. The dinner was a combined Annual Dinner and Ladies Night for the first time. It was held at Worcester College on a cold and windy night as Mr. Derek Cox would testify, the date being the 26th January. The Head Chef for the dinner was Colin Sparkes. The cost of the dinner was £25for members and £30 for guests. This was the first time a dual pricing was used. The Secretary was Peter Lyon and the Treasurer was David Simmons (3rd Year)
Julie Repton invited members who wished to go to Hotelympia to join the Peers school organised trip. This raises the question — when was the first lady member admitted to the Guild? From an organisational point of view one major change was that the Caterex Committee kept its own books of account, this was so that banking and payments could be more speedily and effectively carried out by the person receiving the money and now writing the cheques.
The meetings were held at the Clarendon Press Centre, Walton Street. Matthew Walton was the speaker at the March meeting. but what the topic was is not recorded. A visit to Philpot's factory was organised for April 23rd. There was a speaker at the October meeting given by Mrs Elizabeth Crawford (Domestic Bursar of University College given on behalf of the Bursars Committee. The topic was "Catering within Oxford (Colleges?) present and the future". Prior to the talk a revised Logo for the Guild's headed paper designed by Ian Hicks-Mudd was agreed, consisting of a chefs hat with the City's sky line above the headband, this to replace the skyline and City's shield emblem. There was also a proposed change in the constitution to enable an "Affiliated" member to serve as an Officer of the Guild. A committee to organise the 25th anniversary dinner in 1992 was set up. Blenheim Palace was suggested as the venue.
At the November the 5th meeting the speaker was again Matthew Walton the Environmental Health Officer giving a talk on the new legislation. A new meeting was held at the Maison Francaise an "informal buffet supper" held on the 12th November £5-00 per pair (£2 member's £3 guest).
The Secretary from this year (or was it 1991?) is to be Mr. Anthony Croager (Tony). To enable this to happen the rules of the Guild had to be modified to allow a non full member to be voted as an officer of the Guild. This was, I believe, by making it a decision of the Management Committee and the Guild by recommendation and vote, that Tony Croager's membership be upgraded to that of a full member. This year the silver of the Guild was valued for the first time. It came to £2,875, to repurchase but a scrap value of only about £350-00. The paid membership for this year was 25.
"Caterex" was held for the third year at the Pressed Steel Fisher Sports & Social Club venue, using the Emperor and Empress Ballrooms at Roman Way, Cowley.
The Organising Committee consisted of the Chairman Mr Derek Cox, Head Chef of Pembroke College, Secretary Mr Robin J. Pacey of Banquets Catering, the "Master", Caterex Treasurer and trade Co-ordinator Mr. Ken R.G. Tucker of University College, Mr. Tony Croager of Windrush Frozen Foods, stands co-ordinator, Mr. Simon Dangerfield from the C -- advisor on the Salon Culinaire, Mr. Tom Stevenson the Chairman of the Judges, Mr. Ian Hicks-Mudd of Alfresco Catering Co. and acting Press Officer and Mr. P. Lyon of Christchurch College.
The number of classes were 16 plus the 6 sugar Guild classes of exhibits. The Judges included The "Master" and Mr D C Simmons from Oxford Polytechnic, plus others.
The event was to be for the one day only including the clearing down. The Thank you Cheese and Wine party for standholders, members and partners was held on Friday March 30th.
The 24th and 1991 elected "Master" was Robin Pacey, who was the Catering Manager at Blenheim Palace with Banquets of Oxford Co. Ltd. The Annual Dinner was at Keble College on the 4th January1991. The cost of the dinner was £30 a head less £3-00 discount for members. The new pricing structure enabled the function to achieve a very small surplus as opposed to the huge loss of the previous year. An analysis of the costs and revenues of the Guild revealed the cost to be a staggering £15 per member that is agenda costs, meeting costs and Guild costs, set against a member's subscription of £5-00 reduced to £2-00 for those claiming the dinner discount. In order
Guild" and Mr. A. Croager gave the Toast "The Guests" There was also a presentation to the Chef Roland Didier. The price was £75-00 per pair or £37-50 each.
This could have been the first dinner where we had music played. I think the quartet hired was the Tamsyn Hows band — quartet not sure which. Very good.
The Secretary was Tony Croager (3rd Year) and the Treasurer was David Simmons (6th year)
The programme of events indicated, a meeting in March ending with a talk by Mr. Tom Stevenson on the problems and solutions to presenting dishes for "Caterex" with an open discussion after meetings. The next activity was a visit to Minola's Smokeries at Lechiade followed by a clay Pigeon shoot. The May meeting was held at Magdalen College where Mr John Glazebrook from the City of Oxford Environmental Health Department gave a talk on environmental health aspects. The June meeting on National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ's) with the member from Hotel & Catering Training Company (HCTC) Mr. Peter Binge the Oxford Area Training Manager, explaining about the new training courses. How the cost can be reduced was one of the issues discussed. The July meeting was to be held in the
Oscar Wilde Room Terrace of Magdalen College. A Fireworks concert at Radley College and a Barbecue was held in July.
There was a meeting at Maison Francaise for the forth year running this time on wine tasting and was quite well attended (31)
"Caterex" was held for the Sixth year at the Pressed Steel Fisher Sports & Social Club venue, using the Emperor and Empress Ballrooms at Roman Way, Cowley. It is possible to make an assumption that "Caterex" was progressing well as two more cups had been donated. The Savona Cup and the C&S Cleaning Cup.
The 27th "Master" to be elected was Mr. Tom Stevenson in 1994; he is a Lecturer at the College of Further Education. Lady Margaret Hall College was the venue for the 26th Annual Dinner, which was held on the 7th January and was attended by about 113 diners. Included at the top table was the Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Mr Duncan Stewart and his wife, the Bursar of Lady Margaret Hall Mrs Valerie Stewart and a partner. The guest speaker was Mr I. Rogerson and his wife Mrs J Rogerson. At this dinner the Kennington Silver Band entertained us as shown by the accounts but the information sheet distributed indicated that music will be played by an Octet so which is true? If the Silver band - Good but a little too loud when sitting close by. The cost was £75 per pair of tickets £37-50 each.
The Secretary was Tony Croager (4th time) and the Treasurer David Simmons (7th time). In this year there were some 25 paid up members recorded. It is sad to record that during the year one of the longest serving members who made such a contribution passed away. Ronald Hallett in whose memory a memorial award will be made at "Caterex" to be known as the Ron Hallett memorial cup for the winner of a Hot competition. In May there was another Skittles event at the Gardiner's Arms Tackly, which proved quite successful in that 23 persons attended which was not as many, as had said they would come — but there you go! It did not lose money. The last time we had this event was in 1988. According to the October agenda the September meeting was poorly attended. The idea of altering some of the meeting format was to be discussed. The November agenda noted that the assumed boring part of the meeting should be kept to 45mins and talks on professional issue, demonstrations and so on would be arranged if ideas came forth with contacts if possible.
The meeting at the Maison Francaise the 5th such meeting on the 18th November apart from the now usual buffet supper there was an excellent demonstration and tasting of Chardonnay wines or chocolate artistry all for £8-00 a double ticket. The November meeting unusually brought forth the nominations for Officers for election at the next meeting. The December meeting was at Peers School and hosted by Julie Repton.
Mr David C.Simmons AHCIMA. ACF. was elected the 32nd "Master"1999. A retired Senior Lecturer in Culinary Operations at Oxford Brookes University. The 30th Annual Dinner was held at Trinity College with over 100 attending. The price is still £37-50.
The Secretary was Tony Croager (9th year) and the Treasurer was Ken Tucker.
"Caterex" was held for the 12th year at the Pressed Steel Fisher Sports & Social Club Venue, using the Emperor and Empress Ballrooms at Roman Way, Cowley
For the second time Mr Ken R. G. Tucker, was elected the 331-51 "Master" of the Guild this time for a 2-year term in 2000. This one might suggest to celebrate his 40th year at University Cllege where he has been the Head Chef for a number of years. The 31St Annual Dinner was held at St Catherine's College at Easter on the 17th March. This late dinner was because it was felt that due to the millennium celebrations over the Christmas and New Year that there would be pressures on the staff and ability
of both members and guests to attend, as most would be involved in the food aspects of these celebrations. The price of the Dinner was £37-50. The Secretary is still Tony Croager for the 10th and possibly last year in office. The Treasurer is David Simmons (12th year) after a year's break in the other role. For the Millennium celebration reasons amongst others the full "Caterex" was not run this year. For one reason or another the Hot competition was postponed until December the 4th 2000.
In 2001 the 32nd Dinner is to be held at Worcester College.
2 persons will fill the secretary's post and the Treasurer will be David Simmons for the 13th year.
34 Stuart McGowan was elected as the master Designate to be "Master" 2002/3
Secretary Croager 11 Change Treasurer David Simmons (14th yea.r).
Other contents of the web page could include a history of "Caterex"
The Annual dinner Menus with names of chefs etc. Profiles of Members and ex members of the Guild.
Longest reigning ‘Master’ Tim Kelsey, Head Chef of St Catherines College held the position from 2011 until 2022. Master designate elected in 2021 was Ben Gibbons Head Chef of St Anne’s College to become ‘Master’ in 2022 at the annual dinner held at Hertford College. Secretary is Paul Fraemohs, Head Chef of Somerville College.
Bertrand Faucheux Executive Head Chef of Bailiol College is elected Treasurer in Jan 2023. A position left empty since the passing of Rob Dennis, Executive Head Chef of Worcester College in 2020.
In September 2022 the new role of Guild Ambassador is introduced to strengthen the capacity of the guild to promote the local industry, The new structured committee organise a new competition, the first since Caterex, to be called Oxford’s Junior Chefs of the Year, sponsored by FoodBuy.
The Junior Chefs are tasked to produce a meat, fish, vegetarian and plant-based canape, 10 of each designed from a set list of seasonal ingredients to in a 3 hour timeframe for a panel of 8 judges mainly made up of committee members. The four winners from each category are then tasked to produce their canapes for the annual dinner drink reception this year (2023) hosted by Keble College. Renowned French chef Pierre Koffmann is in attendance to award the winners with prizes and announce the overall winner.
2024, Paul Fraemohs retires as Guild Secretary and after a handover period is replaced by Sean Ducie, Head Chef of Queens College. The Junior Chef competition is held for the 2nd year at City of Oxford College with the Guild Charity & Awards Gala Dinner held at Said Business School cooked by Guild Ambassador Steve Wren and his team. This year Pierre Koffmann returns to judge the competition as well as award the winners. He is joined by Gary Jones, previously Exec Chef of Le Manoir aux Quat Saisons for 23 years.
Following the success of the Junior Chef competition it is scheduled for a third year. An additional competition is also in planning for chefs of all ages. With Pierre Koffmanns continued support and involvement it will be sponsored by The Food Heroes. Both competitions will be held at City of Oxford College on the same day with Pierre and Gary returning to assist with judging and to then hand out the awards at the annual dinner to be held at Trinity College on 3rd May 2025 by Head Chef Julian Smith and his team.